Learn your first Pyraminx
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1. Tips:

<------- this to this ------->

Turn the tip until it matches with the centers


Just turn center pieces until it the center (specifically yellow) until it solves


2. Centers:
<------- this to this ------->
3. First Side:
<------- this to this ------->

Hold yellow on bottom and find a piece and match it with its correct centers (green and yellow edge goes with green center because yellow is on bottom so you exclude it) and do a Sledgehammer (S) if it is on the right

If it is on the left do a Hedgeslammer (H)
Learn your first algorithm: The Sledgehammer
R' L R L'
learn your 2nd algorithm: The Hedgeslammer
L R' L' R
4. Last 3 Edges:
<------- this to this ------->

S = Sledgehammer H = Hedgeslammer
Do one of these algorithms to solve the rest of you Pyraminx
(S) U L' U' L
(H) U R U' R'
(S) U' L' U L
R U' R' U' R U' R'
L' U L U L' U L