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PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer) – A Complete Overview

PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer) is the final step in the CFOP method, where all last-layer pieces are moved into their correct positions after OLL. At this point, the entire top face is the same color, but the pieces may not yet be correctly placed. The goal of PLL is to swap these pieces around so that the cube is completely solved.

Understanding PLL Cases

There are 21 unique PLL cases (or 13 if you count mirrors and inverses as the same), each named with a letter. These cases can be grouped into three main categories:

  1. Corner-Only Permutations – These algorithms swap only the corners while keeping the edges in place.

    • Aa Permutation – Swaps three corners in a counterclockwise cycle.

    • Ab Permutation – Similar to Aa, but swaps corners in a clockwise cycle.

    • E Permutation – Swaps two pairs of opposite corners.

  2. Edge-Only Permutations – These cases affect only the edges while the corners remain solved.

    • H Permutation – Swaps opposite edges in pairs.

    • Ua & Ub Permutations – Swap three edges, forming a cycle (Ua is clockwise, Ub is counterclockwise).

    • Z Permutation – Swaps two pairs of opposite edges.

  3. Corner and Edge Permutations – These cases involve swapping both corners and edges simultaneously.

    • T Permutation – Swaps two adjacent corners and two edges, forming a "T" shape.

    • J Permutations (Ja, Jb) – Swap one pair of adjacent corners and one pair of edges.

    • R Permutations (Ra, Rb) – Swap multiple pieces, often seen as a mix of J and T perms.

    • G Permutations (Ga, Gb, Gc, Gd) – These four cases involve swapping multiple pieces in a compact pattern.

    • F Permutation – A more complex case that swaps edges and corners in a distinct pattern.

    • V Permutation – Swaps one pair of corners and one pair of edges in a diagonal shape.

    • Y Permutation – Swaps two adjacent corners and two edges in a unique movement.

    • N Permutations (Na, Nb) – These involve multiple piece swaps, often looking like a mess before execution.

2-Look PLL for Beginners

For those new to PLL, solving it in two steps (2-Look PLL) can make it easier to learn. This method breaks PLL into two parts:

  1. Solving the corners – Using one of three algorithms to place corners correctly (Aa, Ab, or E perm).

  2. Solving the edges – Using one of four algorithms to place the edges correctly (H, Ua, Ub, or Z perm).

While 2-Look PLL reduces the number of cases to learn, it is a few seconds slower than solving PLL in one step.

Advanced PLL Execution

To improve PLL speed, advanced solvers:

  • Learn all 21 cases for 1-Look PLL, reducing time spent on recognition and execution.

  • Optimize finger tricks to execute algorithms efficiently.

  • Find the fastest algorithms for each case, as shorter algorithms are not always the best in real solves.

  • Use Pre-AUF (Adjust U Face) – Instead of doing extra U or U' moves after an algorithm, adjust the U layer beforehand to avoid unnecessary moves.

Final Thoughts

Mastering PLL is crucial for achieving faster solves. While 2-Look PLL is a great starting point, learning full PLL will significantly improve your times. By focusing on efficient recognition, smooth execution, and finger-trick optimization, you can turn PLL into one of the fastest steps in your solve!

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